論文種別 原著論文
言語種別 英語
表題 Use of the Japanese health insurance claims database to assess the risk of acute pancreatitis in patients with diabetes: comparison of DPP-4 inhibitors with other oral antidiabetic drugs
掲載誌名 正式名:Diabetes, obesity & metabolism
略  称:Diabetes Obes.Metab.
出版社 The Authors. Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd(England)
巻・号・頁 17(4),pp.430-434
著者・共著者 Yabe,D.;Kuwata,H.;Kaneko,M.;Ito,C.;Nishikino,R.;Murorani,K.;Kurose,T.;Seino,Y.
発行年月 2015/04